The Podcast Hosts

Chris Piazza


What’s going on guys!?

My name is Chris from Anaheim, CA! I am currently a fourth-year Literary Journalism student at the University of California, Irvine. I am a sports editor for the official campus newspaper (New University). I have played many sports growing up, but my main love is volleyball. I am an active member of an international youth group called Youth For A United World. With this group, I discovered that universal brother and sisterhood among all backgrounds is possible. One of my goals in life and for this podcast is to spread positive, chill, and united vibes to everyone listening! 

I love to travel and experience new cultures. I am originally from Florence, Italy, and I am proud to be half-Filipino and half-Italian. The web guy is my little brother.

Noe Herrera


I’m so glad to take part on this road to get there, where you ask? To a more peaceful, fraternal, and sustainable world that we must all build together.

I was born in Mexico, but I am a Citizen of the World. I consider myself an entrepreneur who’s passionate about discovering and learning on how people or things help others. Like Chris, I am also part of this international youth group called Youth For a United World which has inspired me to work with immigration here in the USA-Mexico border, and making activities to spread the message of unity and peace not only between these two countries, but within the whole world.

I am currently studying International Business at Cetys Universidad in my hometown Mexicali, Mexico.